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Episode 62: Tips and Mindset on Money in this Season with DENISE HUGHES

Episode Summary

Tips and Mindset on Money in this Season with DENISE HUGHES

Episode Notes

Tips and Mindset on Money in this Season with DENISE HUGHES

Denise Hughes is a money coach who challenges you to Thinking Your Thoughts Out Loud.

The modern day challenge is right-sizing your life, fitting together the pieces of your money and life in a way that brings you peace, control, freedom, sanity and happiness. Integrating your money and your life can be complex. It requires reflective thought, examination of your deepest values, breaking through emotional scripts and practicing mature financial behaviors.

According to her, when we bring the right skill set and mature money behaviors to our financial lives, we change our course of direction.

When you take charge of your money, you take charge of your life choices. If you have the willingness to change your money life, together we will find a way.